The First Step
We often get asked “where do you begin?” when a resident joins the Launch Pad.
And the answer is, we begin, after the initial move in, with a series of foundational steps geared towards real life training.
But it all starts with opening a bank account and learning how to budget.
Transitioning to adulthood and independence is challenging for any teenager, but the transition to life outside of foster care may be even more intimidating for teenagers who have spent their entire lives in the system. The knowledge and skills they need cannot be learned on the spot at the last minute as they exit care. In most cases the preparation needed for the challenges that come are not taught prior to leaving foster care. And this void of life skills training is where we like to start.
Underprivileged youth often pay in money orders and certified checks. At the Launch Pad it is a value to open a bank account and begin to gain access to the technology world as a start to a long process of learning the necessary life skills needed for long term sustainability.
Yessenia, a new resident at the Launch Pad, didn’t even know where to begin because she left foster care without her original birth certificate or social security card. Left to her own devices, she would certainly have faced daunting challenges.
We have come alongside her to help her apply for and obtain the necessary identification to begin the process.
This is why the Launch Pad housing is so essential for young people who have just left foster care, as it allows us to walk beside and assist them in acquiring the knowledge and abilities they require to live as independent adults.
We’re glad to be able to enter into this gap with foster youths such as Yessenia and assist them in getting the support they need to succeed.