The Power of Connection

The opposite of addiction is not sobriety, but human connection. – Johann Hari

Erika has been at The Launch Pad for almost a year now, and on April 17th we were able to celebrate her two years of sobriety. It hasn’t been an easy road for her, but she was thrilled to be able to rejoice in this huge victory.

This has been something we’ve been able to guide her through as she’s learned how to identify and eliminate triggers, ask for assistance, and maintain a stable community that will assist her stay clean. Erika is just one of our many success stories, and we are so proud of her for everything she has accomplished. We know that it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to stay sober, but Erika has proved that it is possible.

Stable housing has been a crucial component, since it has allowed her to have a secure location to return to when she is stressed or needs to take a breath. She has been required to face up to her responsibilities and accept responsibility at The Launch Pad. She is presently attending Paul Mitchell’s cosmetology program and has just over six months until she graduates. She is energized and driven to obtain her license and begin a career in a salon.

The Launch Pad’s approach with our resident’s is to help them overcome the trauma of their prior wounds, as well as any residual effects, and move forward with healing and quantifiable objectives. Watching our former foster youth thrive is a tremendous gift. We have a team of very dedicated, hardworking and compassionate volunteers who are committed to our residents’ success.

The Launch Pad has been a blessing for Erika, as well as for many other residents who were once homeless and hopeless. We invite you to learn more about what we do and consider partnering with us as a mentor.